Work Package 6 - Accuracy of anomaly coding in healthcare databases
To evaluate the accuracy and the quality of the ICD coding of congenital anomalies in healthcare databases compared to EUROCAT data.
To develop algorithms for use of healthcare data in the surveillance of congenital anomalies to improve the quality of the data.
To evaluate the accuracy and the quality of data on terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomalies from healthcare databases and provide advice on coding to improve it.
Description of Work and Role of Partners
This WP will be led by Dr Ester Garne (RSD) and Dr Hermien de Walle (UMCG).
Once EUROCAT cases have been linked (see WP2) comparison of the congenital anomaly coding in hospital discharge databases can be evaluated using EUROCAT as the gold standard. The level of under-ascertainment of cases in EUROCAT may also be estimated. Similarly, the civil registration of terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomalies of all EUROCAT cases in mortality databases can be evaluated. Differences in prevalence of specific anomalies in the two systems can be evaluated. The potential or the problems in using healthcare databases for surveillance of trends and clusters of congenital anomalies can be accurately assessed.
The specific tasks are to:
- Evaluate the accuracy of coding of all specific EUROCAT congenital anomaly subgroups in hospital discharge
databases (UMCG)
- Evaluate the accuracy of coding of registration status and anomaly coding of terminations of pregnancy with fetal
anomalies in different datasets (RSD).
- Develop algorithms to improve the use of routine databases – for example in hospital discharge data use surgical codes
for clubfoot, coding of specific oral clefts and examine ASD coding with focus on over-reporting in the neonatal period
WP6 Team